Category: Book Club
DecENDER: Chapters 14-15 Roundup (Week 5)
Originally posted here. The long-awaited… The last two chapters of this book seem to be about four chapters long. I mean, they move along so quickly that you’re hardly aware of any chapter breaks, but the information in those chapters is dense. It probably doesn’t help that time is so severely compressed in the conclusion…
DecENDER: Chapters 12-13 Roundup (Week 4)
Originally posted here. How brutal are these two chapters? Ender’s Dragon army is forced to fight more unfair battles until Ender stops caring and his army is able to win through sheer force of his apathy. Then they are disbanded. Ender is attacked in the bathroom by a much larger, much angrier boy. Ender survives.…
DecENDER: Chapters 9-11 Roundup (Week 3)
Originally posted here. Peter and Val: bloggers. I mean, that’s pretty much it, right? They’re going from lively comment-makers to bloggers to columnists on the future-world Drudge Report and Huffington Post. They’re doing what some people assume Glenn Beck and the Fox News set are doing, but in a way would make Glenn Beck cry with…
DecENDER: Chapters 6-8 Roundup (Week Two)
Originally posted here. These last three chapters have been all about Battle School and, specifically, the Battleroom. What a concept—a gravityless room where an especially advanced (and competitive) game of laser tag goes on. I can’t think of an activity that 7-12 year old kids would enjoy more. Honestly, I would love to play that game,…
DecENDER: Week One Recap, one week late
Originally posted here. Um, so…yeah. Sorry about the lateness. Ender’s Game! What a group of chapters. Card seems to have written this book with increasingly long chapters, so we get five chapters in the space of about fifty pages. We’re quickly introduced to (1) Our character, (2) his background, (3) his future, (4) his competition,…
DecENDER: Why Ender’s Game?
Originally posted here. Day One: Complete. Did you start Ender’s Game today? (Full disclosure: I didn’t. Maybe I’ll get to it at bedtime…) I’m pretty stoked about this book group. Please tell your friends and get them in on our club! People have asked why I chose Ender’s Game for the December Book Club this year.…
DecENDER: Reading Schedule
Originally posted here. READING SCHEDULE (Monday – Sunday, with recaps on Sundays here) Dec 1-5: Chapters 1-5 Dec 6-12: Chapters 6-8 Dec 13-19: Chapters 9-11 Dec 20-26: Chapters 12 & 13 Dec 27-31: Chapters 14 & 15 It averages to about 70 pages per week—the book is a relatively quick read, so don’t be intimidated.…
Dunecember: End of the Story Discussion
Have you finished Dune(cember)? I have. Let’s talk.
Dunecember: Week 8 Roundup
Here we are: halfway through book three, most of the way through Dune. Crazy things are still happening: our main character(s) are still finding their place in their world. The protagonist and the antagonist haven’t even met yet, and we’ve only got about 50 pages left (plus the appendices)! Thus far in Book Three, the…
Dunecember: Weeks 6 + 7 Roundup (Book 2)
hat a crazy couple of weeks for Paul and for Arrakis. Actually, I don’t know how much time passed during Book Two, but I get the feeling that it was not a long period of time. It may have been shorter than two weeks. But we read the section in two weeks, so I’m just…