These could be Tweets: a Life Update

Isabella’s saying ‘Dada’ and ‘Mama’ now with some frequency.

I drink Diet Dr Pepper daily–I’m starting to break my Diet Coke addiction.

I would like a barbecue feast.

No one was interested in seeing M83 with School of Seven Bells, so I’m probably not going.

Rossy was interested, but when I asked about it later admitted that she didn’t remember who the bands were.

I misplaced two comic books: Top Ten Season 2 #2 and Kickdrum Comix #2. It’s driving me nuts that I can’t find them.

I watched Metalocalypse season 2 on my phone and was underwhelmed. It seemed pretty formulaic and the music wasn’t as solid (or maybe not as surprising to me) as season 1.

I downloaded Venture Bros. Season 3, but the files have AAC 5.1 audio, which I can’t convert to iPhone-compatible video.

I want Transformers Classics Hound & Ravage and I kinda want a Classics Optimus Prime, but I am probably going to be over buying new transformers for 6 months or so.

The JJ Abrams Star Trek movie looks like good sci-fi from the trailer.

I can’t wait for the Watchmen movie, but I have lingering doubts about it being any good at all.

I’d like the Wall-e three-disc set.

I cannot wait for Rock Band 2 to come out for the Wii.

CSI is my favorite police procedural show now. Sorry, Law & Order.

I’m watching Smallville (on DVDs, just started season 2) and Heroes out of compulsion now. I hope they both get better.

I bought a six-pack of Stella Artois. I shoulda bought a six-pack of Red Stripe.

I don’t own the following series on dvd: Star Wars, The Matrix, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Jurassic Park.

White Cheddar Pirate’s Booty may be the world’s most perfect snack food.

I keep writing half blog posts and then deleting them because they’re too much work to conclude.

I am very passionate about politics, but I try very hard to avoid the subject in conversations.

I want to buy a Toyota Venza.

I want to buy a house.

I want to not buy so much stuff.

Driving home in the dark at 5:30pm daily is pretty depressing.



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